Just for Fun

I love being outdoors and playing sports! 

I love playing in the dirt!  If I wasn’t pursuing a passion in academia I probably would have become a head gardener at a fancy estate or a Park Ranger.  I contributed to a community garden during graduate school and now maintain my own little slice of heaven, which has been a fantastic stress reliever. If I’m not working in the yard in my spare time, then I am doing building projects around the house or exploring nature.   My life’s goals include: hike the Appalachian Trail (all 2,168.1 miles) and visit every National Park in the United States with my family (20 out of 63 completed as of this writing).

I also play Ultimate twice a week and I enjoy running, biking and swimming as well.  Basically anything that keeps me active and feeling young.  My favorite sport to play is Ultimate, but I follow baseball (go Braves!) and occasionally football (Da Bears).  My kids are getting older and are now challenging me in tennis, basketball, and table tennis.  Whiffle ball games in the backyard are pretty intense.  Other sports I enjoy (but I am still learning) include: golf, racquetball, and rowing.


I am lucky enough to be married to the most talented and beautiful woman I know (Rebecca) and we have three amazing children.